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How to keep track of your poker bonuses


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You can earn play through bonuses by opening a new account(welcome bonus)
Completing challenge steps    https://www.unibet.co.uk/poker/challenges

Changing standard mtt/cash tickets to bonus here https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Ticket-exchange/bd-p/poker-ticket-exchange

You can see if you have a bonus by clicking the "view profile" button on the main page.

You can see I have an active bonus in the botton center.


Click "Learn more" to open the bonus page as below.


Any bonus you have is split into 5 steps, as you can see in this picture this 20e bonus is split into 5 x 4e steps.

As you unluck each step it credits you with that amount.

The bonus expiry date is in the top right, on this bonus I have 87 days  left to clear it.
Underneath the active bonus are any other bonuses you have, the expiry on these bonuses does not start till it is active.

The bouses unlock at 20% rakeback, so for me to unlock each step I would need to rake 20e.
The green bar increases and the percentage of completion displayed updates as you pay rake so you know how far you are from unlocking the next step.

Bonuses come in

1e,4e,10e,20e,50e,75e,100e,150e,250e,500e,750e and 1500e.

I think I have covered everything, feel free to add any extra info in a reply.

 Edit by Jeppe-Unibet: Edited subject title.

You can exchange UO tickets again all is unicorns and rainbows in Unibet land.
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