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Timing of tickets


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All tickets come with an expiring date. For MTT and SnG's this is mostly sufficient.

That cashtickets need attention every 6 days can give problems during holiday

Why not give a standard expiring date of 30 days for all tickets ? Or a ' holiday button ' that holds the count for cashtickets until a given date ( if you go on holiday you mention that all tickets will not be used during 14 days, 21days or wathever you need ). you can allow 2 or 3 times a year the use of such a button

Poker and Sports ! The ideal combination at Unibet
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It's because something like a €10 NL4 ticket takes 750 flops, which is going to be ~2500 hands for some people.  That's a lot to expect in a week from a casual player.  

If you talk to support they should be able to extend them if you go on holiday.

Former head of poker @ Unibet
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I would love if you extend the duration of the Mtt tickets.

Some sites really have them without any expiring date,that would be cool,especially if the tournament times aren't so comfortable,cause some tournaments are only once a day or several in the week,if im not wrong.

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We can't have no expiration date at all for finance reasons.  We need expiry dates for finance and accountancy reasons.  

Most tourney tickets have 30 day expiry which I think is fine.

Former head of poker @ Unibet
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