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US Election results already decided how?


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I like many others am wondering why the bets on the us election has been concluded?

I betted with the knowledge that we would have to wait for the winner to be found.

"Hvis der ingen klar vinder findes på valgdagen, bliver spillet afgjort så snart en kandidat erklæres for vinder." "afgjort så snart en kandidat erklæres for vinder" means "finalized as soon as a candidate is declared winner", which has not yet happened. Where do we go from here?


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Unibet doesn't want the election issues to appear in the main feed. Thus they bundled everything here


and made it disappear from the main feed. Geez, I wonder why...

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We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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@WuDu In the other thread, you mentioned that the Unibet site had 70% of the votes were for Donald Trump. Can you please post a screenshot of that or tell us where we can find the same number?

This definitely explains why Unibet settled on Biden bets. Money grab in bad faith!

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@CraigL wrote:

@WuDu In the other thread, you mentioned that the Unibet site had 70% of the votes were for Donald Trump. Can you please post a screenshot of that or tell us where we can find the same number?

This definitely explains why Unibet settled on Biden bets. Money grab in bad faith!


Why did I stay up to watch Hannity? 😪


I cannot view the politics betting site at Unibet anymore (No politics betting for Germans). However 2-3 weeks ago, I could still place bets and at the very bottom of the German website, Unibet displayed some additional information. One of it was that 70 % of all bets were pro Trump and that the bets pro Biden were a little more in volume I guess.

I personally wouldn't bet that the settling was a money grab, my guess is leftist bias: CNN said that Drumpf lost so it must be true, let's pay out and now it slowly dawns on them that maybe that was a little premature which would cost them a lot of money and definitely some jobs within the organization.

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We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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@CraigL wrote:

Fair enough.

Yeah, I just wanted to let you know, maybe not every language website had that kind of info at the bottom of the page. I jsut found it interesting that 70 % of all bettors placed a Trump bet.

We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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@Andreasaeo wrote:

Where do we go from here?

The courts.

I'm also Danish. The way they've phrased this bet, along with their Terms and Conditions, means they've screwed up and called this bet way too early. If they don't pay out when if Trump wins, they've broken the promise, and their betting license is at stake.

I suggest contacting Spillemyndighederne. I've already done that.

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There is a lot of growing interest for a class action lawsuit. I am surprised at how poorly Unibet is handling this whole situation and how combatative their staff have been. In the end, they reap what they sow and so far they've been getting a lot of negative PR.

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Har også kontaktet spillemyndigheden, og bedt dem kontakte Unibet for enten at få dem til at aktivere væddemålet igen, eller sende pengene retur på basis af kontraktbrud.

Alternativt er der jo mulighed for en småsag ved domstolene...

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I also dispute Unibets deicision to call the election before president Trump has had his day in court.

20 years ago another presidential race was settled in court in favor of George W Bush even though the media had already crowned Al Gore the winner. 

Since a similar case was decided by the courts just 5 elections past - there is no way that Unibet can call the election over "beyond reasonable doubt".

The media doesnt call elections. 

I sincerely hope that Unibet will change their position.

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