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Didnt Get my money After winning


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Hi @LeXieTasten, welcome to the Community :).

On the 21st I can indeed see a 47.20 kr win in the mini slots in Bingo, however play continued after the win and the money has slowly decreased. It's worth mentioning that I didn't find any error or reversed wins in your account either. It would help allot if you could have a look at your account history and maybe pinpoint a 10 minute time frame in which the win happened or better yer, the round ID of that specific win.



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@LeXieTasten, based on the logs that we have regarding that session, after the 47.20 kr win, the session continued by clicking the spin button and the stake changed as well, which is not something that the system can do by it's own I'm afraid. You can observe that in your account history as well here:https://www.unibet.com/myaccount/mygamingactivity/bingoactivity. It's worth mentioning that at the time of the win, no technical difficulties were experienced either. At the moment of the disconnection the session stopped and did not continue



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