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Mega Joker


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If you can't find the game by typing its name to the search bar, which can be found right under your account name and campaign-page text after clicking the "casino" -link, then I got no idea and you'll have to wait a little while for the mods to take a look for it.. Sorry, hope you'll find it soon 👍

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Hi @Krasa and @Bananskall, welcomr to the Community and @Rushbie cheers for the intervention. :)

Mega Joker is indeed available in Norway and the only reasn I can think that it wouldn't work is because it's a Flash based game si Flash would need to be enabled in order for the slot to run. However it doesn't explain why it doesn't show in your search bar. Did you guys manage to play it in the meantime? Maybe try using a different browser as I am able to find the game on https://no.unibet.com/casino/mega-joker-1.7014. 


Former Community Moderator
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