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A way of exchanging your tickets automatically from the client.


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As a freeroll player atm and while doing my 0 to 1000€ challenge, I find it difficult to contact the live support all the time and waste their time with my 1€ mtt tickets. This doesn't only benefit me, but also benefits the UK and UO qualifier grinders, just imagine winning a 50€ UK/UK ticket and exchanging it immediately from the lobby into 5 10€ UK/UO tickets.

So, wouldn't it be better if you can automatically exchange your tickets from the client for ex:

•To click on the ticket and it shows you in what is it possible to exchange that ticket.


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This has been suggested on multiple occasions, and I think (not sure) the answer on 2+2 a long time ago was that it might be too risky to implement into the poker client, could an unwanted impact on the games and rewards system I guess if everyone used this system. Also while this might seem fairly easy to implement, there are far more urgent things for the coders to fix / make. 

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It's a good idea. If Unibet is in favour of this, but to make the changes due to processes and other ongoing projects will take a long time why not give bonus points instead of tickets in freerolls (other than satellites). This way user can just buy whatever he wants from the bonus shop with them and no change is required to code or added anything. Just change the prizes.

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