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Banned words

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Why is 'm-i-n' not allowed in posts? I tried to use it earlier (as in minimum-cashing a tournament) and it would not allow me to post.

"The message body contains m-i-n, which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post. We don't allow posts in other languages than English, and swearing is not allowed either."

Is it a swear word in a foreign language?


It also seems to bleep out lith-ium. Is that just due to it being the developers name?

Have you read my blog HERE... It's long isn't it :)
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 "Min" was part of the Swedish language filter, I've removed it from there now. You are right about the secondt part of your post, for the time being we'll have to keep that word in the filter :)

Former Community Manager
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