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Pending bonuses missing if you log in shortly after 1 expires

  • Priority: Status: New

This is the 2nd time I've noticed this bug in the past few weeks, but it's not really that big of an issue as the bonuses are still there, it mostly just could cause confusion for people that experience it because their bonuses are gone. A bigger issue might be that I don't think any rake counts towards the new bonus until it appears because it's not set as active in the server payloads.

12:49 UTC


13:25 UTC



If you log in shortly after one of your bonuses is scheduled to expire, I assume within half an hour intervals but it might be more, it will look like you have no bonuses, even though there are some. In this case the expiration time for the expired bonus was 12:30:02 UTC and the login time was 12:49:43, bonus payload time 12:49:44. All payloads up until 13:00:01 triggered by either logging in again or by checking bonuses will be identical, and will have the expired bonus as "active" with the other 2 as "pending".

[12:49:44] {"payLoad": 
	{"bonuses": [
      	[1502032, 982, "Rake 2400, Get 600", [[240000, 60000]], 0, 0, 0, "pending", null, 1726472810, 1726472810, 14],
      	[1502090, 459, "Rake 2300, Get 345", [[230000, 34500]], 0, 0, 0, "pending", null, 1726472810, 1726472810, 14],
      	[1500682, 403, "Rake 2300, Get 230", [[230000, 23000]], 1726921802, 0, 26110, "active", 1725712202, 1726671382, 1725533726, 14]
    "tags": ["getbonuses", "ok"]}

At 13:00:01 I receive a bonusupdate payload that sets the next bonus in the queue as active. After this point the bonuses should show up fine, but I assume this is also the point where any rake you pay starts counting for it, and none before this moment as its activation time is 13:00:02. (will probably test this in 2 weeks when the current one is set to expire if I don't forget).

[13:00:01] {"tags": ["notify", "bonusupdate"],
  			"payLoad": {"bonuses": [
              	[1502032, 982, "Rake 2400, Get 600", [[240000, 60000]], 1728133202, 0, 0, "active", 1726923602, 1726923602, 1726472810, 14]

After that all the payloads from logging in and checking the bonus section are correct, with the expired bonus set as "expired" and the next bonus set as "active".

[13:25:41] {"payLoad": {"bonuses": [
  [1502090, 459, "Rake 2300, Get 345", [[230000, 34500]], 0, 0, 0, "pending", null, 1726472810, 1726472810, 14],
  [1500682, 403, "Rake 2300, Get 230", [[230000, 23000]], 1726921802, 0, 26110, "expired", 1725712202, 1726923602, 1725533726, 14],
  [1502032, 982, "Rake 2400, Get 600", [[240000, 60000]], 1728133202, 0, 207, "active", 1726923602, 1726924860, 1726472810, 14]
]}, "tags": ["getbonuses", "ok"]}


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